The Anoa (Vacuum Adapted Humanites)

 We are the people of the void, may the Icons protect us, our voices raised as a single choral voice disrupting the plans of the Darkness between the Stars.  Our changes were wrought for a sacred purpose, to serve the greater good and protect those who have no such adaptations.  You will see us in the quiet places where the unadapted cannot tread without their mechanics and smart materials, their weakness is so obvious if it was not for the Icons we would leave them to their fate.  Now come with me if you want to live little storyteller!  Report of Ali ibn Yusef filed from the hulk of the shuttle Mosiac.


The Anoa are mentioned in the Last Cyclades (p.103) in a passing reference as one of a number of Humanite Tribes.  In addition, some of the thinking behind the Anoa is based on Neal Asher's Polity Universe material and the Known Space books by Larry Niven.  This post attempts to expand that entry into a playable option.


The Anoa are a Humanite Tribe found scattered across the arms of the Third Horizon.  Arguably the most radically bio-sculpted of all the Humanite Tribes, Anoa are adapted for exposure and survival in space.  These adaptations are comprehensive and effective, however, space is deadly to almost all living things.  And so even with the Anoa's adaptions, they cannot survive indefinitely in space.  The adaptations include:

  • Nictitating membranes over both eyes, 
  • The ability to expel all gas from the lungs, 
  • Rapid oxygen saturation of blood
  • Autonomic sealing of all orifices when exposed to vacuum,
  • Readly sealable orifices (Anoa noses are small and collapsed)
  • Monkey feet, suited for gripping and manipulation in Zero-G.
  • Additional chromosome, operating as a checksum against radiation driven changes
  • Thickened epidermis limiting chromosomal damage and minor vacuum related damage
Physically Anoa are odd, they are bow-legged, have double eyelids, a small roundish mouth, reflective skin which appears rough like tree bark, thin and tall as a result of low-g existence and awkward runners as a result of their physical adaptions.  In effect a tall thin shiny hairless scaled chimpanzee with a mouth like a Lamprey.  Interestingly because of their adaptions, they also resist change to their genome, resulting in clear linages within the tribe that can be readily identified visually.  

Cultural beliefs

The Anoa are colonist's from the Second Horizon, members of a group who came to the Third Horizon along with the Moghul Fleet and possibly the Order of the Pariah.  They are aware of and actively despise Darkmorphs (creatures who serve the Darkness Between the Stars) and those Humans who would follow the Darkness into corruption.  

Like the Sailors of Ancient Al-Ardha, Anoans will often cast a prayer in the direction of the Traveler in their darker aspect as The Spider.  Active worship of the Spider is an accepted part of Anoan life in the hope that the prayers will protect an Anoan and their companions from misfortune at its hands.  The belief and active worship of the Spider is not well regarded by others, often leading to suspicion that the Anoa follow the Darkness, leading to accusations of heresy and violence from others.

Anoans tribes are part vagabond, part grifter and all about family.  Anoan's work in the most dangerous of environments and often do it for very little.  Above all, an Anoan knows that trust is vital to survival.  Once an Anoan forms a bond, they will see it as binding in all things.  For an Anoan there are only four types of people:

One to taste the void with- A trusted companion or member of the immediate family group.  These are people who you trust to check your line and your suit, to hold the line against the Darkness and to open the Airlock at exactly the right time.

One to protect from the void - An outsider with no ill intent, not to be trusted with important things and one who you would rightly take from in exchange for your protection.  Unaware and unwise, but with access to more than they can possibly need.

One who rejects the hand - An outsider whose acts whilst not founded in active worship of the Darkness harm the tribe or those who the Anoan has a bond with.  Worthy of contempt and more than legitimate as a target of Anoan ire and a good source of birr in the case of an emergency.  

One who has fallen to the void - A fallen one, like a rabid dog, one who must be put down.


The Anoa were part of the great exodus from the Second Horizon and as such have a natural alliance with the Nomads, esp.  the Moghul Fleet.  They do not share beliefs with the Order and their Worship of The Spider draws accusations from the more fanatical fringe of the Order.  They are likely to be allies to the Draconites, noting they do not share the same beliefs but both have an understanding of the Darkness between The Stars.  For the Zenithians, the Anoa are a potential workforce and slaves.  

Player Options

The Anoa make natural spacehands, engineers and pilots.  They are surprisingly adept explorers, but their weirdness often causes trouble when they meet Humans, meaning careers related to influencing others would be locked out.


An Anoan is given many gifts (see Page 103 of the Last Cyclades for details on their advantages).  Like all Humanites Anoan get half reputation.


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