Character Creation Skavara
Based on the earlier write up of the Skarvara the following character creation flow should deliver a working and balanced character.
Skavara have a number of flaws in comparison to Human characters,
- They are able to understand but cannot speak more than a few words of any human language.
- They have no starting reputation, being considered less than human or humanite.
- They have limited education, although they can develop more technical skills than any of the other semi-intelligences.
To compensate for this Skavara in the main rules are given access to two talents:
- Stench: The skavara have scent glands on their necks, used for marking territories. A scared or cornered skavara can activate these glands in an emergency, letting off a pungent odour that affects mucous membranes and eyes. Enemies within Close Range get a -2 modifier to all actions until they get away from the stench. They also have to test FORCE, suffering 2 points of stress if they fail.
- Sniff: Skavara can use their sense of smell to test MANIPULATION and determine if someone is hostile or lying. They also get a +2 to OBSERVATION if there are scent trails to follow.
In addition, Skavara are also granted claws (Damage 1, Crit 3)
Character Creation:
If we follow the basic guidelines laid out for Humanities, then the following process would work for a skavara player characters.
Home system: Ekharan (Main Planet)
Upbringing - Attribute Points: 14, Skill Points: 8 Reputation: 0, Starting Capital: 250 Birr
Attribute Assignment: Strength 1 - 5, Agility 1 - 5, Wits 1 - 5, Empathy 1 - 5
Health: Hit Points and Mind Points as per main rules
Skills: Skavara may only spend 4 skill points on advanced skills during character creation
Upbringing - Attribute Points: 14, Skill Points: 8 Reputation: 0, Starting Capital: 250 Birr
Attribute Assignment: Strength 1 - 5, Agility 1 - 5, Wits 1 - 5, Empathy 1 - 5
Health: Hit Points and Mind Points as per main rules
Skills: Skavara may only spend 4 skill points on advanced skills during character creation
Talents: Skavara start with both Stench and Sniff talents described as per the above. In addition, skavara gets an Icon talent based on their Totem, a General talent of their choice and Group talent.
The Skavara are not followers of the Icons. Much like other Semi-Intelligences, they have different paths to follow however whether they believe or not, the shadows of the Icons fall upon them. (these are mapped to the corresponding Icon Talent):
- Burrower: The Messenger's Talent
- Stalker: The Traveler's Talent
- Runner: The Lady of Tear's Talent
- Wounder: The Faceless One's Talent
- Scavenger: The Merchant's Talent
- Apex Predator: The Judge's Talent
Character Concepts, An Skavara may only undertake the following character Concepts:
Fugitive (cannot be a Mystic), Negotiator, Operative, Ship Worker.
Gear: Skavara are excellent negotiators, traders and collectors of goods, all Skavara start the game with the equivalent of Plebian wealth (500 birr)
Additional rules:
Skavara are generally not clients of advanced manufacturing activities, as such a skavara will pay 25% more than a standard human of technically advanced equipment which must be sized for them. Specific examples include advanced armour and any Exo suits, however, most datapads and weapons do not require resizing.
Skavara do not have the mystics disease and may not get it during play.
Stench: The skavara have scent glands on their necks, used for marking territories. A scared or cornered skavara can activate these glands in an emergency, letting off a pungent odor that affects mucous membranes and eyes. Enemies within Close Range get a -2 modifier to all actions until they get away from the stench. They also have to test FORCE, suffering 2 points of stress if they fail.
Sniff: Skavara can use their sense of smell to test MANIPULATION and determine if someone is hostile or lying. They also get a +2 to OBSERVATION if there are scent trails to follow.
Scent Marking - You are able to scent mark any of your equipment or a person you have come into close contact with. Any Skavara can locate their own scent marked items in a room or a busy thoroughfare. Firstly any attempt to follow something you have scent marked using the Sniff talent gains an additional +2 modifier (for a total of 4). Furthermore, a skavara uses its scent marking to identify its affiliation, any other skavara can instantly determine your tribal and totemic alignment based on scent.
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