Character Creation Ekilibri

Based on the earlier write up of the Ekilibri the following character creation flow should deliver a working and balanced character.

Ekilibri have a number of flaws in comparison to Human characters,

  1. They have no reputation as a result of being considered pets.
  2. They are not versed in most modern technologies, meaning they will start with less education than most humans
  3. They are weak in comparison to humans (being on average 1 metre tall).
To compensate for this Ekilibri in the main rules are given access to three talents:
  1. Battlecry:  The Ekilibri can let out a loud, high shriek that is painful and disorienting at Short Range. Everyone in the area of effect must test FORCE. Failure means 2 points of stress and the loss of one’s next action. Someone with sensitive or enhanced hearing gets a -2 to the roll.
  2. Agility:  The nimble Ekilibri can jump far and high, as well as squeeze into very tight spaces such as ventilation shafts or pipes.
  3. Nightvision:  Ekilibri have good vision even in darkness and get no negative modifiers for bad lighting.

In addition, Ekilibri are also granted claws (Damage 1, Crit 3) 

Character Creation:

If we follow the basic guidelines laid out for Humanities, then the following process would work for an Ekilibri player Characters. 

Home system: Kua (Jungles of)
Upbringing - Attribute Points: 14, Skill Points: 8 Reputation: 0, Starting Capital: 50 Birr
Attribute Assignment: Strength 1 - 2, Agility 3 - 6, Wits 2 - 4, Empathy 2 - 5
Health:  Hit Points and Mind Points as per main rules
Skills:  Ekilibri may only spend 2 skill points on advanced skills during character creation
Talents: Ekilibri start with both Battlecry and Night vision talents described as per the above.  In addition, Ekilibri gets an Icon talent as per their Caste, a General talent of their choice and group talent.  

As discussed in the Culture Article Ekilibri do not follow the Icons. However, the following Caste Options exist for them to leverage (these are mapped to the corresponding Icon Talent):
  1. High Ones: The Faceless One's Talent
  2. Dye makers:  The Traveler's Talent
  3. Hunters: The Judge's Talent
  4. Artisans:  The Dancer's Talent
  5. Scavengers:  The Gambler's Talent
  6. Silver Fur: The Messenger's Talent
Character Concepts, An Ekilibri may only undertake the following character Concepts:

Artist, Fugitive (cannot be a Mystic), Operative, Pilot, Ship Worker and Trailblazer.  

Gear:  An Ekilibri starts with 6 pieces of starting equipment, one may be valued at 500 birr,  all others may be valued at no more than 200 birr, this limits the choices a Ekilibri may take as part of their character concept.

Additional rules:

Ekilibri are generally not clients of advanced manufacturing activities, as such an Ekilibri will pay 25% more than a standard human of technically advanced equipment which must be sized for them.  Specific examples include advanced armour and any Exo suits, however, most datapads and weapons do not require resizing.

Ekilibri do not have the mystics disease and may not get it during play.  Beyond the ability to talk to the Mother Tree, no Ekilibri is capable of becoming a mystic.  


Battlecry: Once per session at the cost of 1DP,  The Ekilibri can let out a loud, high shriek that is painful and disorienting at Short Range. Everyone in the area of effect must test FORCE. Failure means 2 points of stress and the loss of one’s next action. Someone with sensitive or enhanced hearing gets a -2 to the roll.

Nightvision: Ekilibri have good vision even in darkness and get no negative modifiers for bad lighting.

Prehensile Tail - you have mastered the use of your tail as an additional limb, allowing you to anchor yourself to places giving you the freedom to use all four of your other limbs.  In addition, you gain +2 bonus to Dexterity Checks where your tail can be used as an aid.  Your tail does not have a hand at the end of it, you cannot wield a weapon or manipulate complex controls with your tail.  

Mother Tree:  When on Kua you are able to commune with the Mother Tree, you can hear her words in the breath of the forest.  You may add +2 to all survival checks while on the planet of Kua.  In addition, you may add +1 to all Infiltration rolls undertaken on Kua.


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