The Order of the Pariah

 The Order of the Pariah

“What I have done I have done only for the sake of God and the Muslims, nor out of a desire for wealth or kingdom.”  The Siege of Tyre in 1111-12, according to the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi

"Give precedence to the jihad of yourselves over jihad against your enemies, for if yourselves are among your enemies prevent them from being disobedient to their Creator (who is praised). You will succeed in your hopes of victory over them. Make right what is between you and your Creator, and He will make right for you what is wrong in your (current) state of being, and reconcile your enmity. Tear out your disobedience to God" Kitab al-Jihad of 'Ali ibn Tahir Al-Sulami.

The above two extracts from different chroniclers of the Muslim response to the Jihad will provide the framework for my examination of the Order of the Pariah. The Order is a complex amalgam of military and community services, ultimately focussed on the salvation of the Third Horizon, from its enemies, both internal and external. 

The Order of the Pariah

The Order is probably the most powerful of the firstcomer factions, in both Military and Civilian capabilities.  They are respected for the part they played in defence of the Third Horizon from the invasions of the First during the Portal Wars.  They provide community services, especially health services, giving them the title of Samaritans within Coriolis.  A military order, their ship strength is unknown but assumed to be significant, while their troops are equipped with high-grade battle armour and weapons. The Order is feared by many for their actions during the Portal Wars, especially claims of extermination and related war crimes. Finally they, like the Draconites, worship a single Icon, in this case, The Judge, in her aspect as The Martyr, al-Sahid. 

Framing the Order in its Historical Context


In exploring the Order, we can make use of the concepts of Greater and Lesser Jihad, first articulated by Ali ibn Tahir Al-Sulami in the very early 12th Century.

The greater Jihad is the one within oneself and more broadly within the community of the Muslims. It represents the transformation of self through submission to Allah and the coming together of the all Muslims in that submission. This greater Jihad is more important than the lesser as it is only through the promised transformation that the Lesser Jihad can be successful. In some circles, the greater Jihad includes a willingness to die for Allah and to protect the Faithful.  

For the Order being faithful to the principles of personal and external transformation could be readily applied.  The Samaritans far from being a facade are actually a living expression of the Orders adherence to good works and leading a spiritual transformation of the people who they treat and train.  Also, whilst the other factions do not follow The Judge alone, they are followers of the Icons, in error but as the Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians are for Islam, still part of the greater whole.  They are in error, but not completely lost, for the rest of the Icons are but aspects of the Judge.

Talent 1 - We are one

The Order of the Pariah is your mother and your father, the Martyr protects all who follow the Icons and demands that you work to protect all of those who may one day be bought into her light. You work tirelessly to bring together the community of the Third Horizon and the followers of the Icons through your good deeds.  Once per session you may add 2 dice to a skill roll you make in the service of another (Service to another to be agreed by the DM) as long as they follow one of the Icons.  The GM gains one DP when this talent is used.  You must have the Talent Faction Standing to purchase this Talent.  

The Lesser Jihad, is the expansion of the Muslim faith through conquest, to war upon the unbeliever, the infidel and heretics. This is material jihad, it does not speak to a spiritual transformation of the person. It is a duty of the servants of Islam, to spread the faith by whatever means is required.  This lesser Jihad, whilst not dependent on the completion of a personal transformation, does depend on the community of Muslims working together (a view strongly held by Ali ibn Tahir).  For the Order, this concept of lesser Jihad is what powered their involvement and leadership during the Portal Wars. They fought to drive out the unbeliever and to protect the community of the Icons.

Practices of impiety

Within Islam, there is a particular focus on seeking the truth outside of the Quran. These falsehoods and false teachings are the worse Heresies and are unforgiven. It is useful to examine these and see how they might be applied to Order, especially in regards to its response to mystics. The Quran and the Hadith identify the following as being impious actions: 

  1. Occupation with occult sciences (such as astrology); 
  2. Involvement with the study and teaching of the ‘sciences of the ancients’ (ul¨m al-awåil), such as philosophy ( falsafa);
  3. Self-proclaimed prophetic inspiration, a bond with a jinn or the devil,
  4. Supposedly misguided (if not outright heretical) theological doctrines.
All of the above is tied to a rejection of the truth, or an attempt to seek information from outside the Quran.  For the Order a similar model would apply, all of the above infer a desire to go outside of the Light of the Icon.  To leave the light of the Icon who illuminates your way is to leave the protection of the faith and the community which the Order strives to protect.  The above list if leveraged correctly provides a theological framework for members of the Order to justify their actions in defence of the community.
  1. Mystics and Emissaries are clearly receiving their gifts and abilities from a source outside of the Icons.
  2. To much science and not enough faith, like the consortium with its investigations into the Portal Builders and the Second and First Horizons will lead people away from the Light of the Icons.
  3. The Darkness Between the Stars offers false promises and servants, for instance, sorcerers are vile, rejecting the light for the Darkness.
  4. Nazareem's Sacrifice fell into Heresy when they rejected the teachings of the Icons, their apostasy was proven by their alliance with the First Horizon and their practices which are outside of the light. 

Talent 2 - al-Salhin (Righteous Ones)

You are al-Salhin, a righteous one in the service of the Martyr.  You will not stand for others to step outside of the light.  When one becomes impious, you will hunt them to the ends of the Al-Ardha itself to ensure they are punished for their transgressions.  Gain 2 dice to see through attempts to hide impious behaviour from your gaze (GMs Discretion), You must have the Talent Faction Standing to purchase this Talent.

So how might I play a member of the Order.  Well it depends is the honest answer, if I was playing a Samaritan or more concerned with protecting others then I would be looking to the section on the Greater Jihad.  In particular, the concept of Sacrifice and knowing what's best for others, even if they disagree!!  If I were playing a character in the more militant and anti-heretical mode of the al-Sahlin then it is about righteousness and sadness.  Like many militants, I would feel sorry for those I am forced to hunt, after all, I take no joy in their fall.  But I must end the threat that they present to the greater community of the Third Horizon.   

Pithy Sayings 

  • May the Icon's light illuminate your way.
  • Give precedence to the jihad of yourselves over jihad against your enemies.
  • What I have done I have done only for the sake of al-Sahid and the Third Horizon.

Final Thoughts

The Order of the Pariah is committed to the service to others within the Third Horizon.  They are, however, the interpreters of what it means to serve others, they do not seek the permission of others.  In this, they offer the potential for conflict with almost any other group.  A mystic or group of consortium members are as likely to raise the ire of the order as a direct servant of the Darkness between the Stars.  Equally the Order will willingly sacrifice itself to protect the people of the Third Horizon and maybe the last wall between a party in trouble and malevolent Jinn.


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